Distant Skies

Ethan Jones

Ethan Jones

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design


Distant Skies

Ethan Jones

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design


Distant Skies

Ethan Jones

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

A 16" round led ball with a cloud-like texture. This luminaire is intended to stimulate the user through both visual and tactile sensations. The depth of the luminaires exterior is soft and white while an LED light source emanates from within. This luminaire is also intended to provide a sense of joy and happiness to its user, as one can play with it in a manner of ways. The user may also change its color and choose different patterns at which the lights are viewed.

Distant Skies