Duality of light: The real and the virtual

Jenny Nguyen Le

Jenny Nguyen Le

Pratt Institute

Ran Ju

Ran Ju

Pratt Institute

Philgeun Joung

Philgeun Joung

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Duality of light: The real and the virtual

Jenny Nguyen Le

Pratt Institute

Ran Ju

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Duality of light: The real and the virtual

Jenny Nguyen Le

Pratt Institute

Ran Ju

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

In this visionary project, we explored the captivating intersection of the tangible and the digital without a visionary project. This immersive exploration revolves around the profound duality of light, serving as both a tangible force shaping physical experience and a virtual conduit fostering connections in the digital realms. The project unravels the transformative potential of light and highlights the physical in virtual dimensions. The project delves deep into the nuanced interplay between shadows, radiance, and reflection, showcasing how lighting can act as a bridge between individuals, ultimately expressing the essence of closeness. Beyond its technical aspects, the project delves into the symbolic power of lighting in expressing emotions and shared experiences. The contrasting qualities of the warm yellow light versus the blue light are crafted to represent each of these realms, with the warm representing the real and the blue representing the virtual. In physical spaces, the candlelight effect is often associated with intimacy, with its soft glow gently illuminating the physical presence of others through facial expressions and body language. We employed this in the middle of our installed object, which is representational of two figures embracing each other. The soft halogen light allows every material characteristic of the sculpture to be seen, fostering the idea of clarity in human interactions where physical presence plays a major role. Contrastingly, we used a harsher spotlight blue and the illusory reflections of the green to represent the digital sphere. In tandem, illusory reflections of green were strategically incorporated, creating an otherworldly quality that echoed the artificiality inherent in virtual spaces. The sterile and isolating nature of the spotlighted blue symbolized the limitations and constraints often associated with online interactions, where the richness of human connection is constrained by the confines of the digital medium. Simultaneously, the illusory reflections of green added an element of surrealism, challenging the viewer to question the authenticity of the digital experience. These green reflections, like mirages in a desert, hinted at the illusory nature of the connections forged in virtual spaces, underscoring the idea that, while digital interactions may simulate closeness, they ultimately lack the tangible substance and depth inherent in physical, face-to-face encounters. Through this deliberate interplay of harsh blue spotlight and illusory green reflections, our exploration sought to convey a deeper message about the preciousness of human physical interactions. By emphasizing the inanimate, artificial environment of online spaces, we aimed to underscore the irreplaceable value of genuine, physical connections represented by the yellow light. The harshness of the digital spotlight served as a poignant reminder of the limitations of the virtual world, encouraging contemplation on the true essence and importance of the tangible, human experiences that define our reality.

Duality of light: The real and the virtual